Portrait Photography
The gallery below provides a small sample of our portrait photography. Whether formal or informal; indoors or outdoors, we have the experience to make our clients look their best. We use state of the art cameras and lighting equipment for all of our portrait work. True photographers are often considered “masters of light” as we study and practice various lighting techniques. Nowhere is that more important than in the area of portraits. Proper lighting and use of shadows and highlights provides depth and dimension to our images.

Some examples of the types of portrait work we provide are:
Formal Portrait Photography
As its name suggests formal portraits are those that serve to show the subject in a formal setting. Whether that be in a formal location or simply when the subject is wearing formal clothing. This category often includes headshots that are used on social media postings and on resumés.
Informal Portraits
Capturing images of our clients outdoors is the request we most often have for informal portraits. Working with a combination of natural light and off camera flash equipment, we strive to make our client’s personality show through. Often times this type of portrait will also include pets. Low country backdrops provide and excellent variety of places to obtain great outdoor portraits
Fashion/Portfolio Portraits
Whether it be for commercial publication or simply to enhance a model’s portfolio, we provide our clients with high caliper portraits in many genré. Our work can be seen in magazines and clothing ads on websites. For this type of portrait, we often work in conjunction with a hair and make-up artist to help provide flawless images. We also work with models on the building of their “comp cards” which are essential for models use in soliciting work from their clients. This category of portraits also includes those that are our more artistic endeavors with lighting, makeup and outfits.
We do not currently have a permanent formal studio location. However, we do have the ability to rent local studio space and also to set up temporary studio space as needed.
Many of the techniques that we use to create great portraits of people are also used for our bird photography and our wildlife photography. This is particularly important in proper lighting, use of shadows and bringing photos to life with those little white catch lights in the eyes of our subjects.
Little Girl Formal Portrait Young Male Informal Portrait Female Formal Headshot Portrait Informal Female Headshot Portrait Informal Female Studio Portrait Model Portfolio Headshot Portrait Informal Portrait With Pet Little Boy Formal Portrait Male Formal Headshot Portrait Female Model Portfolio Portrait Informal Female Portrait Female Catalog Portrait Female Informal Headshot Portrait Female Model Informal Portfolio Portrait Female Informal Studio Portrait Female Model Portfolio Portrait Female Model Portfolio Portrait Female Model Catalog Portrait Informal Outdoor Portrait Female Model Studio Portfolio Portrait Informal Outdoor Model Portfolio Portrait Model Studio Fashion Portrait Model Portfolio Portrait Informal Female Outdoor Portrait Informal Portrait Male Headshot Portrait Female Fashion Portrait